Benefits of curd

Who doesn't like cold and delicious yogurt? Eat curd with anything, its taste increases. Curd not only enhances the taste of food, but also makes it nutritious. That is why all dieticians include it in their list. The milk and milk products of all beings are nutritious, and yogurt is the first place in it. Anything eaten with curd is easily digested and the vitamins and proteins of that food are easily added to your bloodstream. That's why yogurt is called a 'perfect diet'. Benefits of curd- Feel full Diet with enough protein. Energy rich diet. Immunity increases. Keeps diabetes under control. Improves digestion. The chances of heart disease are less. Rich in vitamins. Improves health of intestines. Face, skin glows. Useful for hair. For mental health. ** Curd - Curd, Chakka, Paneer, Chas, Matha, Kadhi in this form, as well as Jari from Raita, Dahivada, Shrikhand, etc. are included in our food. ** Curd is made from camel, ...